TypePerf - Command-Line Tool

We have Windows Operating system Command-Line Tool called "TypePerf" Is used to collect performance metrics periodically and store it in a File or SQL Table for further analysis on what time and what kind of overhead taken place in Server/SQL Instance like Physical/Logical Memory/Disk/Processor/IO,.. Etc,...

Here is the syntax

1. List all the Performance Objects and Counters (Without Instance)
TypePerf -q

2. List all the Performance Objects and Counters (With Instance)
TypePerf -qx

3. List counters of a specific Object (i.e: PhysicalDisk)
TypePerf -q \PhysicalDisk

4. List counters of a specific Object with Instance (i.e: PhysicalDisk)
TypePerf -qx \PhysicalDisk

5. Show metrics for a specific Object with all Instances (i.e: PhysicalDisk)
TypePerf "\PhysicalDisk(*)\Current Disk Queue Length"

* - Represents all Instance of the Object "PhysicalDisk"

6. Show metrics for a specific Object with all Instances (i.e: PhysicalDisk) only 4 samples
TypePerf "\PhysicalDisk(*)\Current Disk Queue Length" -sc 4

By Default - Shows metrics until press CTRL + C

7. Show metrics for a specific Object with all Instances (i.e: PhysicalDisk) only 4 samples for every 2 Seconds
TypePerf "\PhysicalDisk(*)\Current Disk Queue Length" -sc 4 -si 2

Ok! How to show metrics for multiple Counters\Instance ?

Lets create a Counter file contains Counters\Instances whatever you want to collect the metrics

Counter file created : C:\Personal\MyCounter.txt

Refer the Counter file

To collect the metrics in SQL Server Tables!

Create a System DSN

here is the file you have to start with - C:\windows\system32\odbcad32.exe

My System DSN Name : MySQLServer
Change the default database to: TestingDB (The database already created in my SQL Instance)

And, here is the script!

The following THREE Tables created in TestingDB Database

here is the performance metrics collected in SQL Server Table in TestingDB Database

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